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20 Helpful Songwriting Tips For Beginners And Beyond

It was shortly after I graduated high school that I started writing songs. Looking back decades later, I realize that there are plenty of legitimate reasons why "Attack of the Killer Bees" remains buried in the archives. We all have to start somewhere, and that's generally at the beginning and the bottom. From a positive viewpoint, you have nowhere to go but up! It's my hope that this list will help others in some way just as those people in my life have helped me. Even if you only take away a single piece of helpful information, I will consider......

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Audio Drama Production Podcast Logo

Audio Drama Production Podcast Ep. #49-Composing Music For Audio Drama

Audio Drama Production Podcast Interview: Ep. #49-Composing Music For Audio Drama It was in the 70s when I first heard audio drama. I remember sitting in the car with my dad, parked in the driveway, sitting on the edge of the seat, while listening to the remaining moments of an episode of CBS Radio Mystery Theater. For those already familiar with the show, you will already know it is hard to forget the sound of the creaking door, the creepy music, and the unforgettable voice of E.G. Marshall. Fortunately for me, my father didn't mind me enjoying scary stories at......

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