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Stay In Touch


February 2015

A Musician Possessed

A Musician Possessed I like to say that being a musician is like being possessed. Once it is in your blood, it is there to stay, and the only way to "exorcise" it is by playing music. It can, and will, haunt you for the rest of your life if you try to cast it aside and the harder you try to repress it, the stronger the force it will exert upon you. Once you pick up your instrument and begin to play, it turns from a malevolent "spirit" into a benevolent muse. “There is no place for grief in......

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Drumming Tips: Recording With A Click Track

Drumming Tips: Recording With A Click Track Press play and read on. Design by Ian Leino I will begin with a definition and some history. What is a click track? It is essentially a MetroGnome. Sorry, that isn't entirely accurate. A metronome is a tool that makes audible sounds (or visual cues) at intervals. Musicians use them to practice interval timing, memorize tempos, and play music along to the rhythm. To set the story straight, allow me to mention a brief piece of the history behind the abomination that has been the nightmare of many a musician. History is fascinating......

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