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Victor Bonato – “This Christmas Eve”

Victor Bonato - "This Christmas Eve" Vic and I have been working on music together for around 11 years or so. You may have heard him on the Cambium release or some of the singles I've posted over the years. He's a wonderfully gifted composer and writes his own brand of music. The first time I heard his work, it struck me as theatrical, odd, and entirely wonderful. It was a bit rough around the edges back then, but so enticing in a mad musical scientist way that pulled me right in. I knew I wanted to work with him......

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Kevin Hartnell-“CC BY-SA 4.0” Creative Commons Music on FMA

Kevin Hartnell - "CC BY-SA 4.0" (a collection of music released under a creative commons license on FMA) Over the years I have amassed a large number of tracks that didn't seem to go anywhere once they were completed, or almost completed. Rather than leave them parked on a hard drive, I decided to turn them loose and submit them for possible inclusion on the Free Music Archive website. I assembled a collection of twenty-one tracks and sent in the submission. They were accepted five days ago and are available now for streaming or download. For those unfamiliar with creative......

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Audio Drama Production Podcast Logo

Audio Drama Production Podcast Ep. #49-Composing Music For Audio Drama

Audio Drama Production Podcast Interview: Ep. #49-Composing Music For Audio Drama It was in the 70s when I first heard audio drama. I remember sitting in the car with my dad, parked in the driveway, sitting on the edge of the seat, while listening to the remaining moments of an episode of CBS Radio Mystery Theater. For those already familiar with the show, you will already know it is hard to forget the sound of the creaking door, the creepy music, and the unforgettable voice of E.G. Marshall. Fortunately for me, my father didn't mind me enjoying scary stories at......

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A Musician Possessed

A Musician Possessed I like to say that being a musician is like being possessed. Once it is in your blood, it is there to stay, and the only way to "exorcise" it is by playing music. It can, and will, haunt you for the rest of your life if you try to cast it aside and the harder you try to repress it, the stronger the force it will exert upon you. Once you pick up your instrument and begin to play, it turns from a malevolent "spirit" into a benevolent muse. “There is no place for grief in......

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My Top 20 List of Film and Television Soundtracks From 1970-1980

My Top 20 Film & Television Soundtracks From 1970-1980 (with a focus on horror, science fiction, and fantasy) On rare occasions, when I am not making music, I have time to listen. When I listen, it is generally to radio plays. I also enjoy listening to soundtracks. There were a lot of great films made in the 70's and 80's and, as you would expect, some great music was created to go along with them. Of course, there is no guarantee that a great film will have a great score. Sometimes you can find great music in a bad film. ......

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