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Bad Flamingo – Fire

Bad Flamingo Generally, I'm promoting a good audio drama or trying to push my own music, but, I stumbled across this song and was immediately impressed. As the song progressed, I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it didn't and the song ended - waiting to be played again, and again. It's a rare thing for me to hear something so unique and captivating as this. Some may call it indie rock, others may call it alt-country, but I get lost in the genre pool and accept it for what it is. So, having said all of......

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Podcast Recommendation: Roommate From Hell

Podcast Recommendation: Roommate From Hell "Hell Is Full. Bea is an ancient demon who fought in the epic war against the tyrant god Yahweh. Claire works in...business. They're roommates in a fourth-floor walkup in Slope Hill, Brooklyn." It is estimated that there are over 700,000 podcasts and 29 million episodes available for listening. If every one of them was only a minute long, it would take roughly around 3/4 of the average human life of 79 years to listen to all of them. That surely sounds like hell to me! Fortunately, buried within that heaping agglomeration of audio recordings lie......

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