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December 2021

Victor Bonato – “This Christmas Eve”

Victor Bonato - "This Christmas Eve" Vic and I have been working on music together for around 11 years or so. You may have heard him on the Cambium release or some of the singles I've posted over the years. He's a wonderfully gifted composer and writes his own brand of music. The first time I heard his work, it struck me as theatrical, odd, and entirely wonderful. It was a bit rough around the edges back then, but so enticing in a mad musical scientist way that pulled me right in. I knew I wanted to work with him......

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Campfire Radio Theater – “The Bones of Saint Nicholas”

Campfire Radio Theater - "The Bones of Saint Nicholas" John Ballentine presents a wonderfully twisted Christmas story, not to mention a wonderful musical challenge for me, in the latest episode of Campfire Radio Theater. Being a fan of "Silent Night Deadly Night" (especially the score) made this project even more fascinating to work on. There is something about blending holidays and horror together that is intriguing, especially when that holiday happens to be Christmas. This episode also features Dani Aviles, someone I have collaborated on various music projects over the last 10+ years. She provides her usual high-quality vocals on......

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Campfire Radio Theater – “The Ghost of Lori Keegan”

Campfire Radio Theater - "The Ghost of Lori Keegan" In composing music for audio drama, I make every effort to create the strongest emotional connections between the music and the story. I'm no stranger to being bullied as a kid, and being a parent of two children, this story presented a real challenge for me. It was painful to hear the experiences of Lori unfold, but it provided a truly visceral experience to draw upon emotionally. This episode helped me to dig deeply into my own psyche and channel music that I believe helped illuminate this powerful story created by......

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