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Stay In Touch


October 2016

wytCHord – “Death Will Flee” released!

wytCHord - "Death Will Flee" released! "Death Will Flee" is now available on CD in an eco-pack as well as digital download! Order your copy of wytCHord – “Death Will Flee” at bandcamp: ”...riff-driven slab of somber doom, dense grooves with rhythmic enchantments, and detonating drum play.” – Dragon (Metal Nexus) The new album “Death Will Flee” from wytCHORd is loaded with heavy riffs and the powerful vocals of Vince Green (THAL) who sounds like the offspring of Neil Fallon and Glen Danzig. In addition to his vocal work on the album, Vince Green and fellow guitarist David Jones (Black Mountain Creeper)......

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wytCHord Release Coming on Halloween 2016!

wytCHord Release Coming on Halloween 2016! Columbus, Ohio, October 14, 2016 – Overlook Hotel Records celebrates the first release by wytCHord coming this October 31st. "Death Will Flee" will be available on CD in an eco-pack as well as digital download. Pre-release is currently available now for purchase with a free track to those who purchase the album before the 31st of October! Pre-order wytCHord – “Death Will Flee” at bandcamp: ”...riff-driven slab of somber doom, dense grooves with rhythmic enchantments, and detonating drum play.” – Dragon (Metal Nexus) The new album “Death Will Flee” from wytCHORd is loaded with......

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