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April 2019

Podcast Recommendation: Video Palace

Podcast Recommendation: Video Palace "When video collector Mark Cambria watches a mysterious VHS tape, he begins talking in his sleep in a language that doesn't exist. Mark and his girlfriend Tamra set out to investigate the tape's origin and find themselves caught up in a web of conspiracy, occult, and dread surrounding a legendary video store with a sinister purpose beyond imagining." Being a reformed VHS collecting fanatic myself and horror fan, it was an obvious choice to listen to Video Palace from Shudder. The chemistry between the two leads is excellent with solid acting throughout the ten episodes. The......

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Podcast Recommendation: Roommate From Hell

Podcast Recommendation: Roommate From Hell "Hell Is Full. Bea is an ancient demon who fought in the epic war against the tyrant god Yahweh. Claire works in...business. They're roommates in a fourth-floor walkup in Slope Hill, Brooklyn." It is estimated that there are over 700,000 podcasts and 29 million episodes available for listening. If every one of them was only a minute long, it would take roughly around 3/4 of the average human life of 79 years to listen to all of them. That surely sounds like hell to me! Fortunately, buried within that heaping agglomeration of audio recordings lie......

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