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Robert Cudmore

Kraken Mare Artwork

“Kraken Mare: The Score”

Kraken Mare: The Score On November 10th, Matthew McLean from YAP Audio Production and the Audio Drama Production Podcast contacted me needing someone to score his latest audio drama. I gladly accepted the offer and began working on music for his excellent science fiction/horror story "Kraken Mare." What is "Kraken Mare" about? "Nine years ago the Wells-Dyson satellite picked up images of what appears to be some sort of wreckage on the floor of Titan’s biggest hydrocarbon ocean – Kraken Mare. The discovery prompted eccentric billionaire Jennifer Barrie to fast-track an expedition to the mysterious moon of Saturn. The three British astronauts who have......

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Audio Drama Production Podcast Logo

Audio Drama Production Podcast Ep. #49-Composing Music For Audio Drama

Audio Drama Production Podcast Interview: Ep. #49-Composing Music For Audio Drama It was in the 70s when I first heard audio drama. I remember sitting in the car with my dad, parked in the driveway, sitting on the edge of the seat, while listening to the remaining moments of an episode of CBS Radio Mystery Theater. For those already familiar with the show, you will already know it is hard to forget the sound of the creaking door, the creepy music, and the unforgettable voice of E.G. Marshall. Fortunately for me, my father didn't mind me enjoying scary stories at......

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