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The Plot To Overthrow Christmas

If you've read much on my site, then you know I love audio drama. One of my favorite stories comes from Norman Corwin. "The Plot To Overthrow Christmas" was written in 1938. The first time I heard it was as a teenager in a small town. The 1942 version of the play was aired on WSIU, the same station where I heard Nightfall, A Canticle For Leibowitz, The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, Star Wars, The Fourth Tower Of Inverness, and many more. I did a bit of remastering to remove quite a bit of hum, hiss, clicks, pops, and......

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Podcast Recommendation: Roommate From Hell

Podcast Recommendation: Roommate From Hell "Hell Is Full. Bea is an ancient demon who fought in the epic war against the tyrant god Yahweh. Claire works in...business. They're roommates in a fourth-floor walkup in Slope Hill, Brooklyn." It is estimated that there are over 700,000 podcasts and 29 million episodes available for listening. If every one of them was only a minute long, it would take roughly around 3/4 of the average human life of 79 years to listen to all of them. That surely sounds like hell to me! Fortunately, buried within that heaping agglomeration of audio recordings lie......

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Podcast Recommendation: A Scottish Podcast

A Scottish Podcast What is A Scottish Podcast? It's referred to as "A Lovecraftian Trainspotting." It's also the same folks behind "Kraken Mare," and If that doesn't give you enough to go on, then this may fill in a few more gaps for you. "A Scottish Podcast is a serialized modern audio drama. It chronicles the story of Lee, a washed up former radio DJ who launches a paranormal investigation podcast. Lee wants to see his show The Terror Files mentioned up there alongside podcasts like The Black Tapes, Limetown, and The Message. And he’ll stop at nothing to achieve......

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ZBS Release “Ruby 10: The Black Star of Summa Nulla”

Ruby 10: The Black Star of Summa Nulla ZBS has released the latest installment of the Ruby series! The ZBS email newsletter sent out notification that "Ruby 10: The Black Star of Summa Nulla" was released today and I immediately purchased it! Fans of ZBS know how much love and care goes into the production of every story they produce. From the mind-bending Meatball Fulton stories to the impressive scores by Tim Fulton, it's always a good day when a new ZBS production shows up. The ZBS website has this to say about the new Ruby story.'Ruby is back, and......

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