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Toxic Web Is Released! New EP Available For Free Download.

Toxic Web Is Released: October 4, 2013! I am proud to announce the release of the first EP by Toxic Web on Overlook Hotel Records. Jason and I have written a lot of music in the last couple of years. Some of it has been very dark, indeed. Fortunately for us, the inimitable Deanna Quijada embraced that very darkness and has delivered some fantastic writing and vocal contributions to form the Toxic Web project. Toxic Web isn't just another electronic music project. Some people argue that electronic music has no heart or soul. I beg to differ and present to......

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Before After Again: A New Music Side Project

Before After Again: A New Music Side Project Before After Again is a new music side project I am working on with Jason Whitcomb. Jason is also one of the Bile Brothers from our Cambium project. Before After Again is influenced by electronic, darkwave, coldwave, and post-punk sounds, just to name a few genres. Jason and I started working on music together a couple of years ago. Since then, we have accumulated quite a few songs in our catalog. Some of our songs ended up on the Cambium album released by Overlook Hotel Records, while others are part of The......

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