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Plastic Horizon

It is with great pleasure that I announce a new music project called Plastic Horizon! For those who grew up in the 80s, you will understand the appeal of Synthwave, Stranger Things, and the nostalgia for the colorful decadence of that era. Two songs and videos have been released so far and a full release is expected later this year. So, sit back in your La-Z-Boy chair, press play on the VCR, and enjoy the retro/future sounds!The first single released by Plastic Horizon was inspired by Black Mirror, the series created by Charlie Brooker.The second single released by Plastic Horizon......

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Kevin Hartnell – “Umbra” Reissued On BandCamp

Kevin Hartnell - "Umbra" I have just re-issued my Umbra project from Overlook Hotel Records on Kevin Hartnell on BandCamp, which is a collection of ambient and dark ambient compositions. Umbra was born back in the late 90's and was greatly inspired by my love of horror and science fiction film scores. There are no drums on this release. Some of the music may make you feel calm and relaxed while other tracks may simply give you the creeps. Some of the music was licensed for a film years back. While I don't write as much ambient music as I......

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The Replicon Project: A Tribute To Gary Numan

The Replicon Project: A Tribute To Gary Numan I have been extremely busy the last couple of years working on music. There are at least eight different recording projects in various stages of development. I recently produced and released The Replicon Project. It is a collection of eighteen songs inspired by Gary Numan. The Replicon Project is a collaboration featuring musicians from the United States, Canada, Australia, England, France, and Scotland. The Replicon Project is available as a free download at BandCamp. Rather than paying us for the music, we would love for you to please consider making a donation......

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