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rodin coil

Gary Numan “Love Hurt Bleed” Remix Contest

Gary Numan "Love Hurt Bleed" Remix Contest Recently, Gary Numan judged a remix contest for his new song "Love Hurt Bleed." I entered a Rodin Coil remix for fun and enjoyed working with his original stem files which sounded fantastic. While not a winner (I had no expectations of such), I did get over 400 plays and some positive feedback. My mix could have been a lot better. I did slow it down and make it a bit heavier with a nasty vibe. There were some great entries and this is my favorite out of the remixes. Here is the......

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The Origin and History of Overlook Hotel Records

The Origin and History of Overlook Hotel Records Back in 1999, I released a collection of recordings from my archives called "Room 237 (R237-001)" which became the very first release on Overlook Hotel Records. It is a small collection of early electronic compositions with one track featuring Todd Gerber (Dinah Shore Jr./Umlaut). Hardly any copies exist (they were made to give out to friends), but you may still be able to locate one at the main library branch in Cincinnati. I also recorded a collection of songs called La Notte - "La Notte De Cavelieri" (R237-002) with my friend Paul......

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