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Kevin Hartnell – “The Sounds of Nightmares 8”

It's that time again. After another year of composing music for Campfire Radio Theater, I have compiled the tracks into volume 8 of "The Sounds of Nightmares." Another 39 tracks of fear to stick in your ears! It's always a fun challenge creating music to fit the various tales told for a horror anthology. From carousel music to a Civil War pipe & drum band march, evil belly dance music to slinky slide guitar, Celtic tracks to 80s heavy metal, music box themes to Christmas music... The last ten years of composing for the show has been incredibly rewarding, pushing......

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New Release! The Sounds of Nightmares 5

New Release! The Sounds of Nightmares 5! Welcome to volume 5 of The Sounds of Nightmares! It has been almost eight years since I joined the horror anthology podcast Campfire Radio Theater as composer. Including this new volume brings the total to 214 released tracks. From carousel music to teeth-chattering dark ambient compositions, it has been a great challenge thus far and I look forward to the next volume! Please consider sharing with a friend, adding to playlists, or simply listening in the dark while alone. Coming soon to Spotify, Apple Music, et al. Thank you for listening! Cheers, Kevin......

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The Sounds of Nightmares 4

The Sounds Of Nightmares 4: Music Composed For Campfire Radio Theater Thirty-one tracks of fiendish audio have been released for The Sounds of Nightmares 4: Music Composed For Campfire Radio Theater! Quite a few tracks were written for "Gerald" before the show went into production and more were written during the process. For those not familiar with the story, "Gerald" was originally written by Bill Gray for CBC's Nightfall (horror anthology series) and is set in 1983. Having grown up in the 80s and with a love of synthesizers, this score was something I could really sink my teeth into.......

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