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Campfire Radio Theater – “Last Resort”

Campfire Radio Theater - "Last Resort" The latest episode of Campfire Radio Theater comes from a story outline I shared with John quite awhile back. He did a fantastic job turning it into something quite horrific, which comes as no surprise. I've been cooking up stories for years, but I tend to prioritize music over writing stories, so those remain unfinished for now. "Last Resort" is a perfect title for the story (something else John is quite good at creating). As a musician, I played my first professional gig in 1978, just a few weeks after turning twelve years old.......

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Campfire Radio Theater – “The Dreams of Wolves”

Campfire Radio Theater - "The Dreams of Wolves" It's that time of year again to share another episode of Campfire Radio Theater. John's sound design on this particular episode is absolutely top-notch! Recommended for those who enjoy classic Universal monster movies, history buffs, and howling at the moon. Composer side note: As easy as it would have been to use a traditional march tune, I opted to write something original and attempt to capture the feel and time of the Civil War drum & fife band. The rest of the score is stripped down with traditional instrumentation with only a......

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Campfire Radio Theater – “The Road Ends at the Sea”

Campfire Radio Theater - "The Road Ends at the Sea" Back on May 7, 1982, just over 40 years ago, CBC radio aired "The Road Ends at the Sea," an excellent tale by award-winning writer Tim Wynne-Jones. I'm proud to announce that Campfire Radio Theater has created a new production of this wonderful story. On top of that, it features an excellent cast and the ever-present, high-quality production of John Ballentine. Composer side note: Due to the nature of this story, I took a more abstract, dark ambient approach that was an absolute pleasure to immerse myself into. Haunted by......

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Campfire Radio Theater – “Abominations”

Campfire Radio Theater - "Abominations" A brand new episode of Campfire Radio Theater has just been released to give you a fright. Please do have a listen, preferably in the dark somewhere that is very quiet. Bonus points for listening with headphones while alone. Composer side note: This episode presented a fun challenge of writing a piece of carousel music. Thanks to John Scott Ballentine for always providing me with entertaining challenges as a composer. A small town carnie with big ambitions is spooked and intrigued by the uncanny abilities of a mysterious old man living under the carnival fairgrounds.......

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Campfire Radio Theater – “The Bones of Saint Nicholas”

Campfire Radio Theater - "The Bones of Saint Nicholas" John Ballentine presents a wonderfully twisted Christmas story, not to mention a wonderful musical challenge for me, in the latest episode of Campfire Radio Theater. Being a fan of "Silent Night Deadly Night" (especially the score) made this project even more fascinating to work on. There is something about blending holidays and horror together that is intriguing, especially when that holiday happens to be Christmas. This episode also features Dani Aviles, someone I have collaborated on various music projects over the last 10+ years. She provides her usual high-quality vocals on......

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