The Sounds Of Nightmares 2: Music Composed For Campfire Radio Theater
I am pleased to announce that volume 2 of The Sounds Of Nightmares has been released today! It took awhile to assemble everything, but in the end I compiled 38 tracks together. Tracks featured in this collection are from “Woods Ferry,” “Rites of Autumn,” “Abduction At Willow Woods,” and “Ravenous.”
My connection with Campfire Radio Theater began a few short years ago and has been one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling experiences in my musical career. While I have had good fortune to play many styles of music with a lot of different musicians over the decades, finding my home at CRT has been extremely rewarding. My love for audio drama began as early as my interest in music, so finding myself involved in being a part of creating that very type of art form is like coming home.
John Scott Ballentine, the creator of Campfire Radio Theater, was also kind enough to trust me with his audio drama “baby” and let me take on production duties for the most recent episode titled “Ravenous.” This, combined with my usual musical composition duties, was a wonderful experience (albeit a LOT of work).
It was a pleasure creating and assembling this collection of music just as much as I enjoy working on Campfire Radio Theater. I do hope you will take a moment to listen and to share it with anyone you know that may also enjoy it.