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The Heathens Are Loose

“The Harvesting” from THAL is released today!

THAL - "The Harvesting" Released By Overlook Hotel Records! Today we celebrate the release of The Harvesting from THAL (The Heathens Are Loose), wrapping up 2019 with a thunderous sound! The album is available for purchase on CD, Digital Download, or Streaming at   THAL is: John "Vince Green" Walker · Vocals, Lyrics, Guitars, Keys Kevin Hartnell · Guitars, Bass, Drums, Keys All songs written, recorded, mixed and mastered by John "Vince Green" Walker and Kevin Hartnell for The Heathens Are Loose "Tonguerazor" features Margherita Bandini THAL on the web: www.facebook.com/thalheavyband www.THAL.bandcamp.com www.soundcloud.com/the-heathens-are-loose...

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THAL – “Reach For The Dragon’s Eye”, Released February 16, 2018

THAL - "Reach For The Dragon's Eye" Released On February 16, 2018 By Argonauta Records THAL's "Reach For The Dragon's Eye" was released by Argonauta Records on February 16, 2018. The album features eight heavy tracks From John Walker & Kevin Hartnell. Listeners in Europe can order the CD from Argonauta Records at: _query=thal&results=1 Listeners in the US can order the CD or stream audio from Bandcamp at:   THAL is: John Walker · Vocals, Rhythm & Lead Guitar, Bass, Keys, Lyrics Kevin Hartnell · Drums, Rhythm & Lead Guitar, Bass, Keys Like THAL on Facebook: Follow THAL on Bandcamp:...

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THAL – “Reach For The Dragon’s Eye” Pre-Order Is Open!

THAL - "Reach For The Dragon's Eye" Pre-Order Is Now Open! My bandmate, Vince Green from wytCHord, asked me to work with him on the latest THAL (The Heathens Are Loose) recording, and what a great time we've had! I'm proud to announce that pre-orders are available and that the new record has been picked up by Argonauta Records! We are grateful and excited as hell to turn the music loose on the world! You can hear the first single streaming for free, so take a listen and head over to the THAL Bandcamp page (for US fans) or over......

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© 2010-2025 Kevin Hartnell