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wytCHord Release Coming on Halloween 2016!

wytCHord Release Coming on Halloween 2016! Columbus, Ohio, October 14, 2016 – Overlook Hotel Records celebrates the first release by wytCHord coming this October 31st. "Death Will Flee" will be available on CD in an eco-pack as well as digital download. Pre-release is currently available now for purchase with a free track to those who purchase the album before the 31st of October! Pre-order wytCHord – “Death Will Flee” at bandcamp: ”...riff-driven slab of somber doom, dense grooves with rhythmic enchantments, and detonating drum play.” – Dragon (Metal Nexus) The new album “Death Will Flee” from wytCHORd is loaded with......

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The Origin and History of Overlook Hotel Records

The Origin and History of Overlook Hotel Records Back in 1999, I released a collection of recordings from my archives called "Room 237 (R237-001)" which became the very first release on Overlook Hotel Records. It is a small collection of early electronic compositions with one track featuring Todd Gerber (Dinah Shore Jr./Umlaut). Hardly any copies exist (they were made to give out to friends), but you may still be able to locate one at the main library branch in Cincinnati. I also recorded a collection of songs called La Notte - "La Notte De Cavelieri" (R237-002) with my friend Paul......

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Fall Foliage 2013

Fall Foliage 2013 It's that time of year in Cincinnati where we generally have a beautiful display of fall foliage. Over the last few days, the colors have been very vivid and the weather quite good. I decided to grab my camera and head out for my annual leaf shoot. I have been shooting fall leaves almost annually for years and really enjoy it. Ohio is a great place for those who enjoy leaf peeping and photography. On my short list of places to visit was Ault Park. Ault Park has a great garden/arboretum worth checking out. The park is......

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3 Reasons Why Cincinnati Is Photogenic

Architecture - From excellent French Art Deco like the Carew Tower to beautiful engineering like the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge, you could spend all day walking around downtown filling up memory cards (or rolls of film). If you have a moment, visit the Cincinnati Museum Center and check out the largest semi-dome in the western hemisphere. If you go inside, you should be warned. I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the hip of Orion, c-beams covered with glitter in the park, but I’ve never seen so many screaming children (one of them being......

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© 2010-2025 Kevin Hartnell