It’s that time again. After another year of composing music for Campfire Radio Theater, I have compiled the tracks into volume 8 of “The Sounds of Nightmares.” Another 39 tracks of fear to stick in your ears!

It’s always a fun challenge creating music to fit the various tales told for a horror anthology. From carousel music to a Civil War pipe & drum band march, evil belly dance music to slinky slide guitar, Celtic tracks to 80s heavy metal, music box themes to Christmas music…

The last ten years of composing for the show has been incredibly rewarding, pushing me out of comfort zones, and a time of personal growth as a musician and artist. When you have to work quickly, you also learn to streamline your workflow, keep the getaway car running, and be prepared to learn new things every day.

#CampfireRadioTheater #horrorpodcast #composer

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