The Sounds Of Nightmares 3 Music Composed For Campfire Radio Theater V2

The Sounds Of Nightmares 3: Music Composed For Campfire Radio Theater

I am pleased to announce that volume 3 of The Sounds Of Nightmares has been released today! It has been a few years since the last volume came out, but the wait is over. 45 tracks are ready for you to listen to in the dark, preferably with headphones, alone, in a secluded location for maximum impact.

This collection features tracks from “Death and Alchemy,” “Monster’s Game,” “Incident On and Off a Mountain Road,” and “The Resurrectionist.” As always, it has been a great pleasure working on music for Campfire Radio Theater. Please take a moment to listen and to share it with anyone you know that may also enjoy it. As John likes to say, “Share the horror!”
