
The Sounds Of Nightmares 4: Music Composed For Campfire Radio Theater

Thirty-one tracks of fiendish audio have been released for The Sounds of Nightmares 4: Music Composed For Campfire Radio Theater! Quite a few tracks were written for “Gerald” before the show went into production and more were written during the process. For those not familiar with the story, “Gerald” was originally written by Bill Gray for CBC’s Nightfall (horror anthology series) and is set in 1983. Having grown up in the 80s and with a love of synthesizers, this score was something I could really sink my teeth into. For “The Thing on The Ground Floor,” John wanted a theme song for the Cops-esque television series referenced in the episode. It’s hard to forget the “Bad Boys” theme that played over the last 32 seasons of “Cops,” so it had to be something removed from that, yet fit the genre/era of the episode. “Busted” was my answer to this and was quite fun to create. For fans of Campfire Radio Theater, horror films and their scores, synthesizers, and dark ambient music, you should be able to find something to scratch that itch.

Have a listen, in the dark, preferably with headphones.

For those that would like to hear the story, you can listen here.

Visit the official Campfire Radio Theater website.

Please take a moment to write a review of the episode or series on Apple Podcasts. It goes a long way in helping spread the dread! Thank you for taking the time to listen!