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Music History

Mountain and Leslie West

Back in the 80s, I had a chance to see Triumph, but the real excitement was to see Mountain. They were raw, powerful, and soulful. At some point in the show, Corky Laing threw a cymbal (stand and all) at Leslie West. Leslie managed to catch the stand and whip it right back into the drum kit. For the intro to "Mississippi Queen," they rolled out a cowbell that was probably 6-7 feet tall. Leslie inspired many musicians over the decades with his great riffs and tasty guitar work. On top of that, what a voice! Interesting side notes about......

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It Was 40 Years Ago Today: Cars by Gary Numan

It Was 40 Years Ago Today! Cars by Gary Numan I was but a mere twelve-year-old kid in a small town when Cars was released on August 21, 1979. It's a mystery where I may have heard it for the first time, but it changed my perspective on music permanently. The striking intro of warbly synth sounds abruptly broken by a snare drum, followed by the unforgettable sound of the Polymoog's Vox Humana patch still has such a deep impact on me even after 40 years!While I recall having heard synthesizers used in music and soundtracks prior to Cars, this......

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